Wednesday, November 02, 2016

EarthTalk This Week: November 2, 2016

EarthTalk This Week
EarthTalk: Questions & Answers About Our                Environment
The Weekly E-Newsletter from the Editors of E-The Environmental Magazine

November 2, 2016
The Power of Being Lost in the Wilderness

Scientists say that the human brain of today has evolved only marginally from the brain of our cave dwelling ancestors of 30,000 years ago. Could this explain our sometimes random impulses to seek out danger?

Air Shepherd Uses Drones To Battle African Poachers

The Lindbergh Foundation's Air Shepherd program, developed to protect elephants & rhinos from poaching by using drones, is increasing patrols to look for poachers poisoning watering holes in Zimbabwe's Hwange National Park...

Polyester Fleece: Trashing Our Oceans One Washload at a Time?

Polyester fleece clothing sure is cozy and comfy, but it just may be trashing our oceans by shedding microfibers in our washing machines that are too small for wastewater treatment facilities to filter out...


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EarthTalk is produced by Earth Action Network, a 501(c)3 non-profit dedicated to raising the bar for environmental literacy across North America and beyond.

Donations from readers like you who believe in our mission of leveraging the media to raise awareness about environmental issues are our lifeblood.

Our weekly EarthTalk Q&A, which answers reader questions on a wide range of environmental topics, is syndicated to 1,150+ media outlets across North America, including hundreds of weekly newspapers. This model enables us to "preach beyond the choir" to educate tens of millions of readers about some of the critical issues of the day, including climate change, species loss, animal rights and how to live greener lifestyles.

But we need your help. Your donation (it's fast, easy and secure through Paypal) will help up amplify our efforts in educating everyday people about what it takes to tune our society's needs to our environment's capacity, and allow us to spread our wings with some new projects to keep you entertained and enlightened.

Editors/Bloggers: Sign-Up to Run EarthTalk
If you edit a newspaper, magazine, website or blog, sign-up to run our weekly EarthTalk Q&A column for free as a way to keep your readers informed on environmental topics. Publish EarthTalk on your blog or in your magazine, newspaper or website. Brought to you by the editorial staff of E-The Environmental Magazine, EarthTalk answers questions on a wide range of environmental topics, from rainforests to recycling and from the global village to our own backyards.



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