Thursday, May 15, 2008

05/09/2008 TO Enviro-news

Crude Jolt for US as Iran Scraps Oil Trade in Dollar
The Economic Times reports: "With Iran, the world's fourth-largest oil producer, shifting its crude trading to the euro and the yen, instead of the US dollar, treasury managers feel that this could well be the first challenge to the US dollar's dominance as currency of global trade."

Latin America: Food Summit Declares Regional Emergency
Jose Adan Silva reports from Managua, Nicaragua, for Inter Press Service: "The presidential summit on 'Food for Life', held in Nicaragua, has ended with 16 Latin American countries agreeing to produce more food and sell it at low prices through strategic alliances, amid criticisms of free markets and capitalism."

Bernard Maris | Long Live Expensive Gas, SUV-Killer
At Marianne 2, writer and journalist Bernard Maris sees the rise in gas prices as an opportunity to restore transport modes that are less bulimic than trucks and SUVs to the fashion of the times.

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