Saturday, February 16, 2008

Here It Comes...

...I'm going to go into my setting on here and update my template to a newer version. This is going to knock out all the sidebar customizations, blog logo, etc. All of these things I will have to add back over the next day or two, depending on how much time I have. It could possibly even take me into next week, or I might get it done today.

I have the existing template backed up to a text file, so I should be able to add customizations in from there by copying them into the new template a bit at a time.

Hopefully, this action will finally let me add comments to the I can hear back from all of you!

This should NOT wipe out archives or posts at all - just the changes I've made to the look and feel of the site over the years.

(*NOTE TO SELF: "Repeat after me - change is good, change is growth, change is great."*)

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