Thursday, January 24, 2008

10 Global Warming Facts to Inspire Real Action

Environmental Defense Action FundOperation Climate Vote

Check out our list of global warming facts and figures!

It's 2008, the threats of global warming loom larger and the time for action is now.

Our leaders in the House and Senate have promised to pass national legislation. We're doing everything we can to keep the pressure on.

This year, our annual list of global warming facts and figures shows how global warming action could unleash a clean energy revolution and strengthen our economy.

Check out the list and then forward it on to friends! Here's a quick preview:

    45% - Increase in world's solar generating capacity in 2005.

    2 - Rank of China as global producer of solar cells, behind Japan (U.S. ranks 4th).

    $1.5 billion – amount US government spends a year on renewable energy research.

    $1 billion – amount ExxonMobil earns in a day.

See the rest of the list and encourage friends and family to contact their legislators in support of immediate action on global warming. Our future generations depend on it.

Thank you,
Environmental Defense Action Network

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