Friday, February 25, 2005

GREENBUZZ for February 21, 2005

Taking Care of Business

Seems to us the news coming out of Japan lately is a perfect example of the no-nonsense business adage to "work with what you've got." Last month brought word that Japanese brewer Sapporo is generating biogas from bread waste. Last week Coca-Cola Japan announced it's powering its bottling plant with methane from fermented coffee and tea residues. What's next? Toshiba running its headquarters' HVAC system on discarded television sets? If so, you'll hear it here first.

Also: Columnist Gil Friend examines the business impact of recent E.U. environmental legislation.

The Latest News on Business and the Environment

DOE Partners with Auto Industry on 12 New Energy-Efficiency Projects
The U.S. Department of Energy is joining forces with major industry players to fund 12 new projects that will increase the energy efficiency of passenger and commercial vehicles while maintaining low emissions.

California Pension Fund Presses Companies to Disclose Climate Risk
The California Public Employees' Retirement System's (CalPERS) Board of Administration has approved a plan to shine light on corporate environmental liabilities, improving transparency, and timely disclosure of environmental impacts.

Coca-Cola Japan Powers Plant with Energy Derived from Coffee and Tea Residues
The company has begun operating a methane fermentation system that produces energy from waste materials such as coffee grounds, used tea leaves, and wastewater sludge.

Survey: Vast Majority of Execs Say CSR Guides Investment Decisions
According to a new study, 85% of executives and investors rank corporate responsibility as a central consideration in investment decisions.

Gas-Powered SUV Cracks 'Greenest Vehicles of 2005' List
Amid excitement over new advanced technology vehicles entering the market and worries about sustained high gas prices, the American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy has announced this year's "greenest" and "meanest" vehicles, along with the environmental scorings of all model year 2005 cars and passenger trucks.

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Resources and Tools
A Wealth of Hands-On Help

Site provides architects, designers, and builders with practical news and information on green-building products and techniques.

Employee Transportation Coordinator Handbook
Gives an overview of commute options and details how employers can support employees in reducing commutes.

Cleaner Technologies Substitutes Assessment
Evaluate the comparative risk, performance, cost, and resource conservation of alternatives to chemicals currently used by specific industry sectors.

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Columns and Features
Insight and Inspiration from the Experts

It Began With a Dot: Product Regulation and Future Markets
Gil Friend offers some perspective on both the barriers and the opportunities of the European Union's new environmental regulations -- and how companies that understand the ecosystem drivers behind these new regulations can potentially get out ahead of them.

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