Tuesday, August 24, 2004

Overtime Pay Cuts Went Into Effect Yesterday

When was the last time the government cut your paycheck? That’s what’sgoing to happen to millions of workers because of President Bush’sovertime pay take-away. Starting today, employers can reclassify some 6million workers as ineligible for overtime pay.

We can’t let this massive pay cut for working families go into effectwithout a major nationwide outcry. We need your help today to make surethe Bush administration and its allies in Congress hear the voices ofmillions of working people. We’d like you to do two things to mark thisoutrageous attack on working families.

First, please sign a new petition to Save Overtime Pay and helpdemonstrate broad opposition to Bush’s overtime pay take-away. Click thelink below to sign the petition.

Some 6 million people could lose their right to overtime pay thanks tothe Bush overtime pay grab. Every working person in America—and everyvoter—needs to know that President Bush is responsible. So the secondthing we’re asking you to do today is to let your friends, family andco-workers know what is going on and ask them to sign the petition.

People are speaking out against this outrageous pay cut in many differentways. You’ll hear from us very soon about more opportunities to make adifference for working families. We’ll let you know how you can volunteerto help take back America for working families and what you can do topressure Congress to repeal Bush’s overtime pay take-away.

Thanks for all you do. Together we’ll remember in November.

In Solidarity,

Working Families e-Activist Network, AFL-CIOAugust 23, 2004

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