Tuesday, August 24, 2004

E-Diesel Research Resumes at MSU

Written by: Wendy Fernstrum, Special Correspondent

The search continues for a diesel fuel that performs well and is cost-effective. While government agencies, companies, non-profit organizations and associations such as MCGA agree that a new kind of fuel is necessary to achieve air quality mandates, the exact formulation of that fuel is not yet clear.

E-diesel might be the answer. E-diesel is a blend of ethanol and petroleum-based diesel fuel and/or biodiesel, made from renewable fats and oils such as soybean oil. Although biodiesel is already registered with the EPA as a fuel and a fuel additive, operates on diesel engines without modifications, burns substantially cleaner than petroleum-based diesel fuel and is readily available, a blend that includes ethanol could further increase those benefits.

(Full Story)

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