Sunday, February 29, 2004

Kerry, Edwards Failed To Vote For American Workers

With millions of unemployed Americans looking for work, Rep. Dennis Kucinich, D-OH, co-sponsored a bill to extend unemployment benefits. After the bill was deadlocked by Republicans in committee, Sen. Maria Cantwell, D-WA, attempted on Thursday 26 February to amend a bill before the Senate to approve an extension of benefits.

The vote required a three-fifths majority to carry. Even though 11 Republicans joined Democrats in voting of the amendment, it failed by two votes: Sens. John Kerry and John Edwards were ABSENT.

Millions of unemployed Americans lost a chance for hope Thursday, as Sens. John Kerry, D-MA and John Edwards, D-NC, missed a key vote that could have extended benefits through June 30. The votes of Kerry and Edwards would have tipped the scale in favor of American workers.

(Full Story)

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