Thursday, June 05, 2003

ENN also has another very important article: World's water supplies under threat from irrigation, says United Nations. This is no surprise to me, it's been going on for many years, but it's reaching critical stages that will begin to have huge impacts world-wide very soon. One thing before you go in, offshore wind plants producing hydrogen on the oceans could help offset this trend by increasing the world's fresh water supplies after the hydrogen is burned. Think about it - millions of tailpipes outputting steam instead of smog. Household fuel cells outputting distilled-quality water for residential use after they use their fuel to produce electricity to provide energy. These are some of the things renewable energy resources combined with a hydrogen economy can do for us all. And remember, the Great Lakes hold one fifth of the ENTIRE WORLD's supply of fresh water. Where are they going to look when they run the underground aquifiers dry if we don't make some moves, hmm? Considering we're talking millions of peoples' lives here, things could actually get very...aggressive.

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